
Monday, February 3, 2014

MIMM - Because it's always marvelous

Today I'm joining Katie for her Marvelous in My Monday link-up - because even if it's pouring rain here in Balty, there are always marvelous things to discuss.

Outside of watching Andrew’s favorite childhood football team bend over be embarrassed in front of the entire world last night, it was a marvelous weekend.

My favorite commercial by far was the Budweiser #BestBuds one – which I had already watched a couple time before it officially aired yesterday – makes me tear up every time.


I made these marvelous buffalo balls to snack on during the Superbowl, and Andrew loved them – he even begged me to bag them up so he could munch on the leftovers throughout the week. I think I’m slowly but surely proving to him that I can cook. I made a ‘healthified batch’ to save for myself, sans cream cheese, which I will probably mix into some salad for lunches this week.

We drank only New Belgium beers – brewed in Fort Collins, CO – the entire game with hopes that it would bring the Broncos good luck. Apparently it did the opposite. 

The groundhog saw his shadow so apparently that means another 6 weeks of winter. Winter here in MD hasn’t been anything too mind-blowing so I’m not going to exactly throw a tantrum over Phil’s prediction, but if I was still living up in Chicago like Nicole, I probably would have sobbed for a solid hour after the announcement was made.

Most marvelous part of my weekend? Outside of two 7(ish) mile runs this on Friday and Sunday, wine tasting on Saturday afternoon was awesome. Not only did we learn a lot about wine and the entire process of making it, but we ending up getting a free bottle to take home and bought two more bottles on top of it.  The little winery was called Basignani and it's up in Sparks, MD, about 30 mins north of the city. I recommend it – it was a fun experience.

How is FABruary going? Hopefully those buns are feeling sore. I’m pairing day 3 with some spinning later today. 

Cheers to my last two days of being 25 –



  1. Sounds like a fun weekend and a succesful day of cooking! Hope you have a wonderful Monday & happy early Birthday xoxo

  2. wine tasting is the best! especially when you get free wine. sorry your broncos lost, they were kind of pathetic. i almost felt bad for them. actually i did feel bad for them

  3. How did you do all the things this weekend?! Sorry about the broncos!

  4. The Budweiser Best Buds commercial was my favorite--I had seen it already too and was waiting the whole game to see it again!

  5. That little puppy jumping around was the cutest thing ever and set to that song it was so sweet right?
    Meet @ the Barre

  6. That commercial kills me, especially since I'm missing my dog!


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