
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sweatpants Swag

It’s really not any big secret that I’m no fashion guru. In fact I consider myself to be about as far from a “fashionista” as you can get. If you’ve been reading this blog in hopes of seeing me post pictures of cute outfits I buy/wear and my favorite stores to shop at, I’ll save you some time and tell you to stop reading right about… now.

I’m not bashing that interest/passion, don’t get me wrong. However, I did happen to stumble upon a hilarious post today poking a bit of fun at the topic, if you’re interested.

As I’ve mentioned before I’m poor and the reality is, a new pair of running shoes or a new sports bra tend to make me a lot happier than a new pair of heels. That's just me - to each their own.

And since we are currently in a taper week and I have nothing to report, it is a Wednesday, and the Bears play the Packers tomorrow… here’s what I shall present you with.

My all-time favorite clothes that I currently own.

Exhibit A. 

Possibly one of the oldest of my t-shirts still standing, I stole borrowed this t-shirt from the lost and found at a club volleyball tournament back at the prime age of 16, and forgot to return it. Why do I love it? Not only because it makes people think that I’m from the modest city of Laguna Beach, but because over the years of wear and tear it has turned into that perfect, soft kind of fabric. Do you know what I mean?

The holes in the armpit only add character.

Exhibit B

So when I went on that rant about fall, and said that I wear sweats ANY CHANCE POSSIBLE, I meant it.

These gems were given to me during my first ever collegiate volleyball season – fall of 2006.  To find sweats long enough for this 5’11’’ crazy is hard enough, but to find ones that are comfortable, and I love? Hallelujah. I will literally wear these pants to shreds.

I’m pretty confident Andrew has problems with me wearing them in public. I’m also confident he has tried to hide them from me a couple times now.

I’ve worn them to parties, out on errands, and to bed at night. If these pants were a human, they would be one of my best friends. Have I made my point?

 Don't mind me, just doing the macarena in my fav pants, balla style.

Last but not least, one of my most prized possessions:

 This has been hanging on my door since I took it off on Sunday night. And it will hang there until tomorrow after work, when I put it back on and cheer those Bad News Bears to another victory against the unmentionables… (cough cough) Packers.

Don’t even get me started on a rant about my feelings on the Packers.

Do any of you guys have favorite clothes – sweats or non-sweats – that you have a special attachment to? Or am I the only weird one raving about non-designer clothes? 

Cheers to an epic football game tomorrow night!


  1. yay for shout outs :) double yay for having College Volleyball issued sweatpants that you still rock. I wear mine on my heels just like that! They don't have the holes yet, BUT they are definitely not gray on the bottom, more of a brown color now.

  2. Let's be honest... I wear our gray sweatpants from freshman year ALL THE TIME! My mom always threatens to throw them out when I wear them... but they're safe now that I'm in my own place. Josh had them for a month last year and I felt lost without them. The pants are just that good! At least Scott and Sarah got one thing right! Well 2... they did recruit you, me, and Lyndi :)

  3. Nice jersey chica, I have the same one ;) BEAR DOWN!!


  4. I have a favorite Harley Davidson baseball hat that has helped me train for marathons, triathlons, bodybuilding shows and bikini contests. This hat has been sweat in, chewed up by my dogs, lost and found a million times over, and has been worn during more workouts than any other clothing item I own. I love that hat!

  5. I'm pretty sure KJ has on more than one occasion strongly hinted to me wearing something other than scrubs or sweats, but after a few years it has still gotten him nowhere :) I encourage the sweats at all times!

  6. Hello Kait,
    Just a quick message to ask if you would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter. I am currently following you now and am awaiting for your follow-back. (#FYI I do RT’s ‘anytime’ for all #Triathletes #Cyclists #UltraRunners & #Marathoners who follow me on Twitter and have something 'important' they want mentioned…)

    All the very best for the rest of 2012 and beyond Kait. Look forward to hearing from you…



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