
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A slacker's confessions

I confess that I don't care the "official" first day of summer is June 21st - summer is here to stay in Baltimore and it makes me explode with joy.  It was a beautiful weekend here, and looking to be the same this coming weekend. 

Speaking of this past weekend, I confess that I watched an entire concert by myself in Baltimore (got separated from my pals) and had zero issues with it. I actually thoroughly enjoyed it.

Is that weird?

I LOVE when people ask me for workout/running advice. The other day my roomie came down to my bedroom AKA my home gym AKA my pile of dumbbells and kettlebells, and upon her request I showed her a few simple lifts that I would normally do at the gym. that I felt were a good place for here to start. It made me happy.

About an hour later I got this request:
disregard the second half of the convo

And so decided that this should be the June ab workout:

Every other day. Summer stomachs here we come.

On top of all that, Andrew recently asked me for help in putting together a training plan for him - he may just be running a fall marathon!

His first marathon ever. Yes. Love when people make that plunge. 

Lastly, I confess I've been very unmotivated to write. Initial wedding planning and volleyball practices on top of work had taken a good chunk of my time away. Plus I'm in desperate need of a haircut, dentist apt, oil change, getting my bike tuned up - you know how it goes, they all pile up at once I swear. 

That being said, June may be a slow blogging month for me. My blog, my rules, not sorry. 

See ya when I see ya, cheers!
